Dear E,T and K

Ayu Septiani Nangsia
3 min readJun 2, 2022


Strongest women that I’ve known- beside my moms

Three women in my three phases of life.

Started with E

She was very an extrovert person, got so many friends around her, popular in high school, and very athletic. We spend our teenage days with eating our favourites foods, climbing neighbours Rambutan trees, or crying over K-drama after school. Well, didn’t sound so hype for some of you perhaps, haha

I don’t know how my life would be without her. She taught me to accepting how destiny has been written for me. She fixes me with her warmth and kindness, I got very welcome to her life,family, and I just count on her many times. Life was not easy for her either but she is the brightest person I ever met.

She will work even double hard to get where she is now, and never complained about it, In a nutshell she was a person that involves in those process to build my characters in a good way. After I got move to Yogyakarta, we keeping touch by having small talks. Not too often, once in a couple months. Surely, we’ve got intense conversations. Mostly about our life updates, family and love story. Without any judgmental opinions, a lot of laugh and a little gossip.

Until today, we grew up together.

Next was T

Leo gurl, bossy all the time, funny, careless, but I LOVE HER SO MUCH

She show me another side of myself, she taught me to explore all possibilities and raise my confident. The one who will said “its oke, you’ll be fine” when i got nervous around strangers, and got burst in tears when she saw me crying “Jangan nangis kan aku jadi ikutan nangis”. Never left me even when I ignoring her judge or advices, but still “ck.. Nahh kaann” in the end. Haha

at my 22 birthday she gave me a very special gift that i ever have. A video, gathering people who know me and said how grateful she was to have me as her bestfriend. She made the video by herself and it was a hard time for her cause she just lost her mother- but still made the video even she had to learn editing software. I saw her love for me, a true love that god send from her existence. Tis… you have to know that im so fucking proud of you, world must jealous cause i have you. Please stick with me even im making you tired sometimes, I cant imagine my life without you, maybe i would stay in my old version that even cant shake a hand with someone new.

Like you said “we through this together”

PS: I always rewatch your video to remain me how to accepted myself, give me such a huge power to feel enough with my own.

Oke the next one is K

She looks hard on the outside, but she was the only one who cried- a hard one-when i got my first broke up. haha

The type of person that would offered her help even you didnt ask for it. Spreading her energy to everyone she met that day, smile widely and will hug you warmly. You will wonder where she got all that energy.

Our friendship on and off sometime, mostly because of me- made the situation awkward somehow (you’ll know when you know). haha
But beside that, she will be there when im in the lowest, told me a bunch of story that could distracted me from sorrow. Best company to drink a hot Bajigur while laughing at some funny tiktok contents. Thank you for caring me without any expectation.

There’s so many things I want to say for you guys
First, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not being a better friend, theres a moment I lost myself and maybe hurting your feelings because of my acts or what i said.
Second, Thank you. Thank you to have me in your life, accepted me as who I am, loving me without any hidden agenda.
Third, I love you. I love you for who you are, cause you are amazing!!!!

Hopla! Thank you for reading my stories. I tried to get better in writing. Feel free to give me some advices :), Have a nice day!!



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